Analyzing the risks before a shoot is an essential part of production. It is better to have plans for everything that could possibly go wrong.
In a normal protection scenario, there is risks for ;
Casting wise
Locations wise
Equipment wise
Weather wise
But, since we are preparing for a documentary, we do not have to consider Casting risks.
Our risk analysis involved Locations, Equipment as well as weather.

Locations :
We gauged that some workshop or hotel might not let us shoot over there, So we had alternate locations for every initial location we had planned to go to. Other than that, we thought that some workshops might be a bit too crowded to shoot so we also had a flexible shoot schedule so that we could move the scene to another day.

Equipment :
We thought a lot about cameras and mics and stuff. We analyzed that there might be issues with the microphone as well as the camera’s lens, to cover up for that we brought an additional mic just in case our main mic stopped working, we brought additional lenses so that if one stopped working we would have the option to use the other one with nearly the same focal range. Other than that, we both had extra batteries and extra memory cards to compensate for any other issues that might have come our way.

Weather :
Since the weather is pretty consistent in Pakistan, we did not think too much regarding weather but we did see the forecast each day and we also had an option to shoot the interviews indoors instead of outdoors. I also brought umbrellas to every shoot just as a precaution.