Post Production is basically whatever happens after the production or shooting of the film i.e. selection of footage, editing, sound design, color correction etc.
First comes Continuity editing which is the most conventional and common way to edit videos, this is where there is a smooth continuous action that helps keep the audiences' attention to the film. Then there is Non-continuity editing in which the order of the shots is disrupted, this gives an effect of disruption in time, the most common example of this type of editing is flashbacks.
Cutting :
A cut is the most common type of video transition. It simply replaces one shot with the other after a certain amount of time the first said shot is played. Once a scene starts, cuts are the best way to keep the action going at a good speed.
Shot reverse shot is a film cutting technique used mostly to show reactions of one actor with relation to the other or more commonly in dialogues. An eye-line match is a technique used by filmmakers to demonstrate two characters looking at each other while having a dialogue. This is performed by placing the cameras next to the characters eyes' while performing a shot/reverse/shot.
J cut :
It is a type of film editing technique in which the audio from a next scene overlaps the picture from the previous scene.
L cut :
This is a type of film editing technique in which the audio from previous scene overlaps the picture from the next scene.

A graphic match is when an entity in the first shot is matched with an entity in it's following shot, this is also a way to introduce continuity to the shot. It also links the two shots together in a figurative manner.

Another technique used by filmmakers is Action match/Cutting on action. this involves the actor doing an action in a shot and then repeating that same action in another shot that is taken in a different way, then these two shots are places next to each other and both shots are cut from the middle which gives flow to the shot and it looks like the the shots were take at the same time. By doing this the editor creates a visual bridge, which distracts the viewer from noticing the cut. For example :

This was my research about Post-production in videos.