So after all the elements of pre-production were finished, we went to the first location. The first location we went to was CAZ (Classic Auto Zone). It was a workshop in a lush area of Lahore and we had to do two things, Interview the owner of the place as well as take lots of filler shots of children working in the workshop. We went over there at around 2pm, We wanted the shoot to start when there was ample lighting in the room that the interview had to be shot in, due to traffic, we got late and got there at 4pm, we had to create a well lit environment for our Digital SLR cameras to shoot without grain. We set up our lighting and got the owner on board to give us an interview. I set both the cameras up, one facing me and the other one facing the owner of the store. I also set up the shotgun microphone to record the ambiance as well as our voices. My phone was used for the filler shots. Here is the behind the scenes of this interview.
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